* Peço ainda que todos os estudantes preencham os inquéritos pedagógicos no sigarra, por favor. Obrigado.
* A aula do dia 17/06 iniciará às 18:00, embora estarei na sala a partir das 17:00, caso precisem de falar comigo. Esta última aula, servirá para discutir alguns assuntos em ainda em aberto, nomeadamente a apresentação do P03, entre outros. E em princípio e mais tarde, teremos também a presença de um investigador que vos pedirá colaboração para o seu projeto relacionado com a criação de ferramentas digitais para a produção em 3D.
* O material produzido após a data de entrega definida para o P03, deverá ser entregue na aula de terça.
* A apresentação do P03 (quarta-feira, 18/06) deverá contar com a presença e participação de todos os elementos do grupo. Tal como anunciado, a apresentação decorrerá na FEUP, na sala B004. Sendo um evento público, deixo, de seguida, o convite que poderão partilhar a quem interessar (uma vez que é necessário registo prévio).
O horário das apresentações pode ser consultado aqui: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10D0KZdu3oUsxTcxqGHxuWOxvcIxLMZ3AqHlKU9MJO9E/edit?usp=sharing.
Subject: Invitation to attend Game Development Invited talk and project presentations: Wednesday 18th at 14h, FEUP
The presentation session of the final projects of the Game Development course (DJCO) of MIEIC (4th year) will take place next Wednesday, June 18th, at 14h, in room B 004, at FEUP's campus.
This year, we had again the luck and the pleasure to collaborate with FBAUP and Prof. Pedro Cardoso, having for the first time 3D modelling students developing contents for the games. In total, we have eight teams, each consisting of a combination of MIEIC and Design students, creating, designing and prototyping eight different games.
The session will start with an invited talk by Jorge Simões entitled "From Games to Gamification" (CV and talk abstract below).
After the talk and a short break, each team will have a slot of 10-15 minutes for presenting their project and answer some questions.
We would like to invite you to attend this session, and to share this invitation with whom you think that may be interested. For organisation purposes, we ask everyone interested in attending to register in the link below until Tuesday, 14h30, just so we make sure there is enough room for everyone.
Registration form: http://bit.ly/DJCOFP2014
Looking forward to see you there
António Coelho
Rui Rodrigues
Invited Talk: "From Games to Gamification", by Jorge Simões
Gamification is commonly defined as the use of game elements in non-game contexts. It aims to motivate, engage and change people’s behaviors.
Gamification is a new buzzword mainly known for its use in digital marketing in campaigns to improve customers’ loyalty and engagement with a brand or product. But there is much more about the concept of gamification. Apart digital marketing, gamification is now applied in many different non-game environments like education, business, sustainability and many others.
The presentation will address issues like how and when gamification started, how it has evolved, why now and why games and game design gave rise to this new approach. It includes examples of gamified applications, gamification platforms and gamification tools. Some theoretical background and gamification relation to other concepts like serious games will also be addressed.
The presentation concludes with some hints about how to use the concept in some non-game contexts like education and training.
Jorge Simões is a PhD student at the Department of Telematics Engineering of the University of Vigo. He received a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computers and a Master in Electrical Engineering and Computers - Industrial Informatics from Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. He is a teacher at Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya, in Vila Nova de Gaia. His research interests are focused on e-learning, social networks, game-based learning and gamification.
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