Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cycles Baking

Made possible thanks to Cycles Baking, which allows you to calculate all the lighting, textures and shading of a model, then essentially 'freeze it' so that it can be viewed in real-time.(Created by Daniel Salazar)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Casino Saga - Roulette Chase by ArsThanea

Vejam o link!


27/05 — Apresentação preliminar.
10/06 — Entrega de todos os assets/modelos finalizados à equipa de programação.
18/06 (UPDATED) — Apresentação e avaliação final.



Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Kara & Making Of

Aula 13/05

A aula hoje (13/05) será dividida em dois momentos distintos mas que ocorrerão em simultâneo: 1) estudo de campo, onde iremos visualizar e jogar diversos videojogos e estudar as respectivas personagens; e 2) tutoriais de grupo, para acompanhamento de projetos. Para o segundo momento pede-se que os grupos de trabalho levem o seguinte material:

* os ficheiros de projeto relativos à P02, para que possam ser visionados e discutidos.

(E para a P03)
* uma listagem dos modelos a desenvolver, incluindo a contagem de polígonos e tamanho dos ficheiros bitmap para as texturas (em px);
* uma listagem com descrições/esboços das animações a realizar cada modelo;
* uma série de esboços para cada modelo a ser modelado (perfil, frente, etc.);

A sessão iniciará pelas 17:00, para quem puder comparecer mais cedo.

Bom trabalho,

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Never Alone


Among Sleep

Among the Sleep is a first person horror adventure, in which you play a two year old child. It has a planned release this spring, but can already be preordered from

Thursday, May 8, 2014

16 idle animations worth dropping your controller to see

"Ever leave Mario waiting for three hours while you shower, grab some tacos, or consult a strategy guide? He was likely none too pleased. He may even have gone to sleep. Remember Sonic tapping his foot impatiently if you got distracted for even a few seconds? He always was the edgier mascot, wasn’t he.

The animated quirks developers sometimes sneak into their games are usually pretty amusing. Not surprisingly, other games are loaded with these as well, and though sometimes it’s simply part of the genre (looped animations in fighting games, for example), other instances can get downright weird. With that, here are some of the most interesting or off-the-wall idle animations seen in games throughout the years."
